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Bert Blylevenの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Bert Blyleven - MLB HOF'er - Success - 2015年9月1日
Mailed him his 1971 Topps RC w/ SASE and required $20 donation on 8/14/2015. Rec'd it back today signed beautifully in blue. He did not include his HOF inscription as requested. Mailed to: P.O. Box 2308 Fort Myers, FL 33902

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Bert Blyleven failure (Minnesota Twins) - 2014年5月13日
The last week of December I sent a baseball card to Bert Blyleven. It came back unsigned and with a price list. The address I used was the Minnesota Twins address in the database.

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Bert Blyleven Success - 2011年9月19日
Sent LOR, $40, 1986 Donruss All-Star Card, 1984 Donruss Champions Card Sent: August 15, 2011 received: September 19, 2011. Address used: P.O Box 2308 Fort Myers, FL 33902 http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/33 ... leven.jpg/

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Bert Blyleven (Insufficient funds) - 2011年8月15日
Sent LOR, $40, 1985 Donruss Champions Card ($20) and Hall of Fame Plaque ($20?) Bert Blyleven, PO Box 2308, Fort Myers, FL, 33902 Sent 8/1 received both unsigned 8/13 I made the assumption that a post card would be the same as a baseball card, since there was no price for the HOF Postcard at the time of submission on his website. So if you send the Hall of Fame Postcard to be signed it will cost $40. I will resend with another baseball card.

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