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Betty Whiteの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 33ページ):

Betty White Success and Super Happy! ^-^ - 2017年1月6日
I sent Betty White a picture and letter, about half a month later I receive a reply from her. Even though she didn't autograph my photo I am still very happy and so joyful that I got the infamous Betty White's autograph! <img src= <img src= ^-^ Betty White Address: Betty White Agency for the Performing Arts L.A. 405 S Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212-4425 USA

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Actress Betty White Success - 2016年11月5日
Sent a LOR, SASE, and CIC to : Mrs. Betty White P.O. Box 491965 Los Angeles, CA 90049-8965 Sent : 9/20/16 Received : 11/5/16 Whoever mailed my SASE, stamped her address on it for verification that this address is legit. http://surfmypictures.com/image/e6f65ad ... 8qn64.html

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Betty White Success - 2016年8月14日
Being a huge fan of Betty White (from 'The Golden Girls' and 'Hot in Cleveland'), I was beyond thrilled when this response appeared in the mail. I sent her a letter, and a photo with a SASE included. I used the address in the database (Agency for the Performing Arts L.A. 405 S Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212-4425 USA). I sent the letter out on July 2, 2016, with a slew of other letters, and received this one back on August 6, 2016.

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Betty White - Success - 2016年8月10日
Request Sent - 2/1/2016 Received - 3/1/2016 Betty White Agency for the performing arts L.A. 405 S. Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, CA 09210-4425 USA http://surfmypictures.com/image/e7b37b9 ... 42yr4.html

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Betty White - Success (Please read) - 2016年7月20日
Good morning everyone, I am pleased to share with you that I received a reply back from legendary Betty White. I sent a letter along with a card and SASE on May 19, 2016, and received a reply last week. Here is a link to the reply: http://i65.tinypic.com/2q0iupy.jpg The address I used was: P.O. Box 491965 Los Angeles, CA 90049-8965 There has been some speculation that this address is invalid. I am confirming, based on my experience, that the address is valid and the person who had a 'RTS' experience was likely because the '9's looked like 'g's; hence, the post office may have gotten confused and returned to the sender. Betty's reply back is a real treasure. All the best!

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