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Big Birdの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Caroll Spinney Success Well Not Really (Big Bird - Sesame Street) - 2019年6月15日
I wrote to Mr. Spinney on 10/17/2018 and received a reply on 06/14/2019 Caroll Spinney Sesame Workshop One Lincoln Plaza New York, NY 10023 Mr. Spinney is the voice of Big Bird, the autograph I received was well Big Bird not Mr. Spinney http://surfmypictures.com/image/46f1d86ada67b8b0/7umro.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/46f1d86ada67b8b0/9inte.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/46f1d86ada67b8b0/0hwee.html

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Big Bird - 2018年4月18日
Sent a donation request letter to Big Bird end of Jan. 2018. Received in a different envelope a signed photo and a big bird feather with a nice letter Feb. 2018 Address used: Sesame Street Sesame Workshop One Lincoln Plaza New York, NY 10023 Return address on the envelope is different. http://i63.tinypic.com/105s31g.jpg http://i64.tinypic.com/2ueoaj8.jpg http://i67.tinypic.com/33k8z1u.jpg http://i66.tinypic.com/1r45rs.jpg

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Sesame Street Success (Elmo, Cookie Monster, Big Bird etc)! - 2012年10月23日
So back in July (around the 28th- ish) I sent an E-Mail to and asked them if they can send me an autograph. and then today when checked the mail I recieved this! I was pretty excited! They even personalized it, and it IS authentic, because where Bert signed there is a smudge, but i am happy this made my day even better! I honestly wasn't expecting anything back! Picture: Envelope: //www.fanmail.biz/mboard/images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif"> [/size[/color

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Caroll Spinney - Big Bird and Oscar from Sesame Street - 2012年4月27日
Sent: fan letter, 8x10 cast photo, SASE on March 26 and received on April 26 my signed cast photo and 2 additional 8x10s and piece of cardboard with drawing. The photos he included are the individual B&W of Big Bird and the 8x10 photo from Follow that Bird. I don't remember including the piece of cardboard but he sent one signed with a drawing of Big Bird. I am very happy with this success. This was the address I used: Caroll Spinney Sesame Workshop One Lincoln Plaza New York, NY 10023 USA This is the photo he sent from Follow That Bird. [img This is the 1977 Sesame Street cast photo I sent (bought on eBay). This is the individual 8x10 of Big Bird that he sent. This is the drawing on the cardboard that he sent. Here is the envelope. He didn't draw on it like he has for some but he did write his return address on it.

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Caroll Spinney (Big Bird) Success x4! - 2011年11月17日
Very happy with this success today! The nicest signer I have come across. Sent to: Caroll Spinney Sesame Workshop One Lincoln Plaza New York, NY 10023 USA Sent on 7/27/11; Received 11/17/11 (122 days) This was definitely worth the wait. All I sent was a LOR and SASE (9x12). I received 3 pics, and he even included cardboard, on which he drew a sketch of Big Bird and also signed and personalized. Looks like he also wrote out his return address on the envelope, and he drew a picture by my name on the envelope as well. http://www.flickr.com/photos/70009594 at N ... hotostream

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