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Bill Elliottの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 6ページ):

Bill Elliott & Chase Elliott success TTM!!! - 2015年5月16日
I sent a LOR, SASE and 3 photos to Bill and Chase Elliott on 3/23/15 to the address in the database and I received all 3 photos back signed today (5/15/15)

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Bill Elliott Success! - 2014年8月7日
Mailed: July 25, 2014 Received: August 7th, 2014 I wrote to Bill Elliott and asked if he would send back an autograph for my father, because he is a huge fan and in less than two weeks my SASE came back with an 8x10 signed and inscribed to my dad. The address used was the one in the database. -

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Bill Elliott Success - 2012年7月16日
On 7-5-12 I sent a SASE and LOR to this address: Bill Elliott 2367 Elliott Family Pkwy Dawsonville, GA 30534 And today I got back this collage of Bill: - and this hero card of his son Chase: -

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Bill Elliott Success - 2012年3月29日
I sent an Email to Bill Elliott via his website http://www.billelliott.com/ and within a week I got 2 authentic 8x10 signed pictures! Great Success! <img src= <img src= -

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Bill Elliott/Chase Elliott Email Success - 2012年3月28日
send a email on monday on bill elliott's Website http://www.billelliott.com/ and today i got 2 Autograph Pictures of Awesome Bill From Dawsonville, and His Son i got 2 Autograph pictures of Chase Elliott. Very Quick how they mailed it off from monday great success with this. Sorry i do not have a scan of the envelope or picture for the 10 dollar certificate.

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