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Bill Gatesの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 7ページ):

Bill Gates - 2015年5月16日
Bill Gates May 15, 2015 Bill Gates autograph. Very unexpected.... I waited exactly a month for him to sent back. He is one of the worlds richest person and a billionare. He is the founder of microsoft. I sent him only 1 photo... I didnt sent a any money for postage back.. as for what he needs money.. tongue emoticon .. One of my best successes since i started this hobby... grin emoticon. I used address in the database Via: mail Waited time: 1 month Sent: 16.04.15 Received: 15.05.15 Dedication: No Sent: a SAE with a LOR and a photo Photo: http://surfmypictures.com/image/d00441e ... h59up.html or https://www.facebook.com/PhiLongsAutogr ... =1&theater

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Bill Gates AP success! - 2014年11月4日
Send about month ago on address in database. Come yesterday. - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Bill Gates - Success ? Failure ? Autopen ? - 2014年9月18日
I think that this is an AP , for the reason being it looks like that when the autograph was getting signed it had a couple of shakiness due to the vibration of the machine. Sent the picture my own and a self addressed envelope. Sent : 7th August 2014 Received : 16th September 2014 Address used : Bill Gates Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation P.O. Box 23350 Seattle, WA 98102 USA Envelope : - Signed photo : -

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Bill Gates AP - 2013年8月13日
Sent request to info at gatesfoundation.com on July 17th Received Thank you letter and AP signed photo on August 13th Oh well! -

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Bill Gates Email Faliure - 2013年3月3日
Sent email to Bill on 21/02/13 and received email back asking to send letter i can't do that as i live in uk and don't want to spend that much money.

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