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Bill Nighyの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 15ページ):

Bill Nighy SUCCESS!!!!!! - 2013年8月6日
WOOOO! after getting an RTS (see my other post) i opened a second envelope to find a reply from the legend that is Bill Nighy, who is one of my all time favorite actors! sent off a letter, SASE dvd cover and a picture to the address on the database a few weeks back (cant remember the exact date. think it was about 3 weeks ago) and received a reply today! SO SO SO pleased about this <img src= picture - dvd cover - cant be bothered putting a pic of the envelope up <img src= WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

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Bill Nighy Success - 2013年6月18日
19 May 2013 Sent a lor, sase 18 Jun 2013 received one picture signed Bill Nighy Markham, Froggatt & Irwin 4 Windmill Street London W1T 2HZ UK env: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/829/i36g.jpg/ pic : -

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Bill Nighy (Harry Potter) success :) - 2013年6月8日
04.May 2013 Sent a lor, sase and two pictures 08.Jun 2013 received one picture signed (not one of mine <img src= ) Address in the database Bill Nighy Markham, Froggatt & Irwin 4 Windmill Street London W1T 2HZ UK -

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Bill Nighy Success !! - 2013年4月19日
Hello, I sent a letter, 2 photo and received my photos unsigned and other signed photo. Sent: 12.03.2013 Received: 18.04.2013 Address: Bill Nighy Markham, Froggatt & Irwin 4 Windmill Street London W1T 2HZ United Kingdom Photo: -

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BILL NIGHY 2nd PS - 2013年4月18日
Sent: LOR, SAE, IRC, 2 photos (end of march 2013) Recived: 1 ps photo Address used: from DB Bill Nighy Markham, Froggatt & Irwin 4 Windmill Street London W1T 2HZ UK Again I lost my items and again I recived PS. I asked for personalisation&autograph on my photos. I added that I can wait long. Quite disappointed. And I dont understand why on my enveloppe is TRADER. -

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