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Billie Piperの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 9ページ):

Billie Piper success - 2012年7月31日
Used address in database. Got this back yesterday; not sure about the send date, since Ive sent to her a few times. I think this is the one I sent over the summer, but Im not sure. I had requested that one photo be made out to my friend for his birthday but I guess her assistant didnt read closely, and both are made out to me. Any tips at removing an unwanted inscription? I guess I could just write to her again and ask for one made out to him! - -

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Billie Piper Success!!!! - 2012年7月30日
Today I got home from vacation and was beyond excited when I opened my mail and got a personalized autograph from one of my most most most wanted- doctor who star Billie Piper!! She even put like 10 "Xs" (kisses) on the bottom (which makes me think she read my letter about how Ive been a fan of her since I was a child and had my 12th birthday party Doctor Who themed and made all my friends made me listen to her sing on the Pokemon album- or so I hope that she did!) Sent: July 1st 2012 Received: Postmarked July 26th (I got all my mail from the past week today though) - - http://ashleycollectsautographs.tumblr. ... rsonalized I used the address (The Rights House/Drury House) in the database! I heard she signs authenticly TTM but as it only took a month (I was expecting a much longer wait because shes so popular) Id be curious if anyone has something signed IP they could compare it to (based on google images it looks real). Thanks guys!

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billie piper (dr who)x2 success !! - 2012年7月14日
billie piper (dr who/secret diary of a call girl) i sent her a lor/ssae & 2 photos on 24/5/12 and today i got them both back personalised & autographed address i used;The Rights House,Drury House,34-43 Russell Street,London WC2B 5HA i put photos & envelope on my facebook page;

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Billie Piper ( Success ) - 2012年4月7日
Sent - 12/2/12 i sent letter picture and SASE Recieved - 7/4/12 my picture signed used my SASE Address i used was the one in the database Billie Piper The Rights House Drury House 34-43 Russell Street London WC2B 5HA UK Picture - http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b45 ... iper-4.jpg Sorry no envelope

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Billie Piper amazing success! - 2012年2月29日
Hi guys, Last week I received a success of a great actress Billie Piper <img src= Send: Lor, SAE, and 2 Photos. (3 months ago) Received: Last week.. My two photos signed and personalized.. Im so happyy <img src= <img src= Photos: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/821/img0626aj.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/831/img0627ah.jpg/ Envelope: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69 ... 9a4d3.jpg/ ( Sorry for the bad quality ) Address used: Billie Piper The Rights House Drury House 34-43 Russell Street London WC2B 5HA UK Thank you fanmail, and Billie. *-*

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