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Bob Backlundの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Bob Backlund (former wrestler) - 2013年4月6日
Today I got reply from Mr. Bob Backlund. Sent two photos, LOR, SASE from Germany on 15th January and received both photos signed back on 6th april. I used the address from the database Bob Backlund Backlund Energy 55 Murray Dr South Glastonbury, CT 06073-2437 USA Here are the pictures Cheers from Germany - -

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Bob Backlund Success - 2012年12月6日
I got back Bob Backlund Today on an 8x10. I also sent 2 cards but he didn't sign them. he sent me a brochure from Backlund Energy, I sent it to. Sent: 10/8/12 Received: 11/6/12 Bob Backlund Backlund Energy 55 Murray Dr South Glastonbury, CT 06073-2437 USA

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Bob Backlund (WWF Legend) Success - 2012年10月7日
Sent Letter, Photo, SASE on 4/23/12 to: Bob Backlund Backlund Energy 55 Murray Dr South Glastonbury, CT 06073-2437 USA Received my photo Personalized/Signed along with a flyer from Backlund Energy advertising his "gym in a box" exercise routine no pictures

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