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Bob Berryの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Bob Berryhill Guitarist Songwriter The Surfaris - 2018年8月27日
Bob Berryhill (born December 15, 1947) is a founding member of The Surfaris and co-writer, recording artist of "Wipe Out" and other Surfaris' hits. In 1960, when Bob was 13 he took a trip to the Hawaiian Islands and learned to surf and play ukulele. On returning to California, he began working seriously on guitar and two years later, "Wipe Out" was born. His role of rhythm guitar merged into lead guitar, and he is the only original member who still actively plays today as The Surfaris. Sent him 2 photos on 1 Aug and got them back signed on 27 Aug.. Also included a Surfaris sticker.. [youtubesGTlb3qOrAo[/youtube [youtubeezarUTXKA7I[/youtube Mr Bob Berryhill PO Box 1429 Laguna Beach, CA 92652

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Bob Berry (fmr Vikinggs QB) success - 2016年2月16日
Sent him a TC in 1-28-16 & got it back signed today. Here's the addy I used: 114 Vista Mar CT Aptos, CA 95003-3925

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