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Bob Bruceの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Bob Bruce Baseball - 2015年12月28日
Robert James Bruce (born May 16, 1933) is a former starting pitcher in Major League Baseball. Bruce was a mainstay of the expansion Houston Colt .45s starting rotation in that team's early seasons, tying Turk Farrell for the team lead in wins (with 10) in the Colt .45's inaugural 1962 season, and becoming the first Houston pitcher to win 15 games, in 1964. On April 19, 1964, Bruce struck out three batters on nine pitches in the eighth inning of a 6–2 win over the Los Angeles Dodgers. Bruce became the seventh National League pitcher and the 12th pitcher in major league history to accomplish the nine-strike/three-strikeout half-inning, only one day after Sandy Koufax achieved the same feat. Detroit Tigers (1959–1961) Houston Colt .45s / Astros (1962–1966) Atlanta Braves (1967) Sent him 2 photos on 12 Dec and got both back signed on 26 Dec.. He also included postcard size card of himself as a Colt 45 that he signed.. The postcard type pic celebrates 50 years of Astros baseball, 1965-2015. Nice card. Mr Bob Bruce 800 East 15th St. #109 Plano, TX 75074

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Bob Bruce (Houston Colt .45s, Detroit Tigers) success x4! - 2011年12月31日
On December 21, 2011, I sent a 1961 and three 1963 baseball cards, a letter, and SASE to Bob Bruce. I told him to keep one for himself if he wanted. Today, December 31, 2011, I got all four of my cards back, signed. Bob Bruce 800 E 15th St, #207 Plano, TX 75074-5865

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