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Bob Spickardの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Robert Spickard Guitarist The Chantays (Bob Spickard) - 2018年10月23日
The Chantays were formed in 1961 by five high-school friends. Bob Spickard, Brian Carman, Bob Welch, Warren Waters and Rob Marshall were all students at Santa Ana High School in California, when a local group called the Rhythm Rockers inspired them to form the Chantays. In December 1962, the group recorded and released "Pipeline", which peaked at No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 in May 1963. The track also peaked in the UK Singles Chart in 1963 at No. 16. The Chantays recorded their first album in 1963, also titled Pipeline, which included "Blunderbus" and "El Conquistador". Their follow-up album was Two Sides of the Chantays in 1964. PIPELINE, written in 1962 by Bob Spickard & Brian Carman when they were just seniors in high school, Pipeline is one of the most recognized surf guitar instrumentals in music history. Sent him 2 photos on 14 Sep and got them back signed on 23 Oct.. He also included a guitar pick with The Chantays Pipeline with a surfer embossed on it.. [youtubej09C8clJaXo[/youtube [youtubeBcZYXfG1iU0[/youtube Mr Robert Spickard 21142 Greenboro Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92646

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