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Bobby Grichの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

MLB Bobby Grich SUCCESS! 1/26/19 - 2019年1月26日
Sent LOR, SASE, and 83 Donruss card to his Trabuco Canyon, CA address on 12/5/18. Didn't realize until after-the-fact that the success rate on Mr. Grich is VERY spotty, and there are 3 different addresses for him, none of which produce much success. Had pretty much resigned myself to a loss on this one. Lo-and-behold, got response today, 1/26/19, card returned, signed in blue marker. The upper left corner got pinched/wrinkled/dinged, but whatever. Got the card back signed. Stunned with this success. Thank you Mr. Grich!

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Bobby Grich (Frmr Orioles and Angels 2nd baseman) failure - 2011年9月23日
On 8/29/11, I sent letter, card and SASE to Bobby Grich who is a former Baltimore Orioles. I sent it to the LA Angels addy in the database. On 9/22/11 I received a letter giving me an address and a price list. The reason for the charge is to authenticate the autograph. I am enclosing the letter so if you want to pay for his autograph you will have that information. -

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