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Bobby Hartの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Bobby Hart Fast Response - 2023年11月21日
Sent out an autograph request for Bobby Hard on 11/9 and received a personalized signature on 11/21/23. Address used: Bobby Hart 7647 Woodrow Wilson Dr Los Angeles, CA 90046-1251 USA Envelope: http://surfmypictures.com/image/6a773ad5fc4cd5b3/r6qbp.html Glossy: http://surfmypictures.com/image/6a773ad5fc4cd5b3/91qen.html

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Bobby Hart Songwriter and singer - 2018年2月9日
Sidney Thomas "Tommy" Boyce (September 29, 1939 - November 23, 1994) and Bobby Hart (born Robert Luke Harshman; February 18, 1939) were a prolific songwriting duo, best known for the songs they wrote for The Monkees. Their partnership made a breakthrough with a song recorded by Chubby Checker, "Lazy Elsie Molly", in 1964. They went on to write hits for Jay & the Americans ("Come a Little Bit Closer"), Paul Revere and the Raiders ("(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Stone") and The Leaves ("Words"). The latter two songs provided the Monkees with hit B-sides in 1967. In late 1965, they wrote, produced and performed the soundtrack of the pilot for The Monkees. It was Boyce and Hart who wrote, produced and recorded, accompanied by their backing band, the Candy Store Prophets, backing tracks for a large portion of the first season of The Monkees, and the band's accompanying debut album. The Monkees themselves re-recorded their vocals over Boyce and Hart's when it came time to release the songs, including both "(Theme from) The Monkees" and "Last Train to Clarksville". The duo also had five charting singles; the most well-known of these was "I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight", which reached #8 in early 1968. According to the Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll, Boyce and Hart wrote more than 300 songs, and sold more than 42 million records as a partnership. [youtubemfnlBXLHd08[/youtube Sent him 2 photos on 22 Dec '17 and got them back 9 Feb.. Mr Bobby Hart 7647 Woodrow Wilson Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90046

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