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Bonfireの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

" BONFIRE " - 2019年8月30日
I have send e-mail : https://www.bonfire.de/contact My site : http://helen-autographs.narod.ru http://surfmypictures.com/image/2ad3421676ae1a58/3kfju.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/2ad3421676ae1a58/937vx.html

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" BONFIRE " - 2019年2月5日
I have send e-mail : https://www.bonfire.de/contact My site : http://helen-autographs.narod.ru http://surfmypictures.com/image/2ad3421676ae1a58/36187.html

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Bonfire -awesome german hard rock band SUCCESS!!! - 2016年5月6日
Send: 23.03.16 Back: 05.05.16 Send LoR, SASE and 1 picture and the new CD booklet after contact via Website: http://www.bonfire.de/ Got back all signed with a personal dedication! Thank you Bonfire! That was great! <img src= Listen to the great new album Glörious!! Envelope: Pictures on my website: http://collectination.jimdo.com/autogra ... phs-music/ Sign my guestbook if you like! <img src=

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Bonfire (80's Heavy Metal) - SUCCESS!!! - 2015年2月27日
Hey, today I've recieved a signed pictures from Bonfire. Few weeks ago I saw an information of personal changes in the band, so probably that's the reason why only Hans Ziller signs my photos. I asked him for dedications for me a and for my friend and he accepted it, great! <img src= By the way, the photos were captured by me on summer 2014 at Masters of Rock in Czech Republic <img src= Sent: October 2014 Recieved: 27. February 2015 Address used: Bonfire LZ Records Postfach 101050 D-85101 Ingolstadt Germany

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Bonfire german rock band - 2014年7月14日
Send LoR, SASE and 2 photos to: Bonfire LZ Records Postfach 101050 85010 Ingolstadt Sent: May, 2014 Back: 07-14-2014 The bandphoto is signed by all band members, the photo of singer Claus from himself. Unfortunately, some bands sign always with a black pen... <img src= - - Envelope: - <img src= [germany<!-- s[germany --> 
</td><tr><td style=

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