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Booboo Stewartの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

booboo stewart - 2014年7月30日
sent him a letter and two pictures a couple of months ago got this today -

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Booboo Stewart (Twilight Saga) Fast Success - 2013年11月11日
I sent a lor, sase, trading card and index card to Booboo Stewart and got my card back signed on Friday. Sent: 11/4/13 trading card, index card Received: 11/8/13 trading card personalized, index card unsigned 4 day return Address Used: Booboo Stewart TSC Entertainment P.O. Box 4378 Sunland, CA 91041-4378 USA - -

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Booboo Stewart success - 2013年10月8日
Sent: SASE, LOR, 1 photo, 1 custom card 12.07.2013 Received: our photo and card signed 07.10.2013 address used: Booboo Stewart TSC Entertainment P.O. Box 4378 Sunland, CA 91041-4378 USA Photos: http://www.facebook.com/AutografyMatiIPati or http://mati-pati.blogspot.com/2013/10/0 ... ewart.html Envelope: - Any opinions of authenticity are welcome. Please <img src= our facebook fanpage (if you like it) <img src=

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Booboo Stewart (Seth Clearwater - Twilight) Success - 2013年7月27日
I sent LOR, two photos and SAE. Received my photos signed in my SAE. And before I buy two authentic autographed trading cards of ebay. Photos from sellers. First $5.44. Second $3.49. Pricing with delivered in the USA. Sent: 24 September 2012 Received: 16 April 2013 Address used: Booboo Stewart TSC Entertainment P.O. Box 4378 Sunland, CA 91041-4378 USA - - - - -

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BooBoo Stewart Success - 2013年7月9日
Sent: Jun. 18.2013 Received: July. 6. 2013 Sent LOR, photo, and SASE. Received photo back signed. - -

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