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Boston Bruinsの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 7ページ):

Ted Donato... (Boston Bruins) - 2012年11月24日
Ted Donato, former Boston Bruin NHL. Sent: 11/3/12… Rec: 11/17/12… 14 days!! Sent LOR, 1 card, SASE to: Ted Donato Harvard University Department of Athletics 65 North Harvard Street Boston, MA 02163 - - Got back my card signed! Thank you so much Mr. Donato and Fanmail.biz! <img src= <img src= [us<!-- s[us --></td><tr><td style=

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Patrice Bergeron, stanley-cup champion 2011 (boston Bruins) - 2012年11月5日
sent 2 pics and sase to him and he signed both pictures, took about 3 weeks Patrice Bergeron c/o HC Lugano Casella Postale 4226 CH- 6904 Lugano 4 scan: http://www.facebook.com/AutographAddresses -

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Tyler Seguin success, boston bruins - 2012年10月13日
Tyler Seguin c/o EHC Biel Sport AG Bahnhofstrasse 17 Postfach CH- 2501 Biel/Bienne sent: 10/6 received: 10/13, signed 3 pictures address valid during lockout scan:

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Boston Bruins Fanpack success - 2012年8月11日
I wrote to the Boston Bruins about a week and a half ago asking for a fanpack. Received the fanpack today!! I used the address on the envelope envelope - fan pack -

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Tyler Seguin Success (Boston Bruins) - 2012年6月27日
Sent: lor sase card Received: card signed in sase addy used: Tyler Seguin C/O Boston Bruins TD Banknorth Garden 100 Legends Way Boston, MA 02114 USA -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Jenna Fischer - Rts
Nfl Devon Witherspoon Fail / Rts (Seattle Seahawks)
Michael Palin Success!!!
Katie Couric Rts
Roger Penske Successfully
Gerrit W. Gong (Lds Church Apostle) Success!
Kevin Miller Nhl Success
Nancy Kovack- Sweet Success!!
Nfl Brandon Peters Fail / Rts
Jessy Schram Vv Success



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