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Boston Celticsの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 4ページ):

Robert Parish (Boston Celtics Player) SUCCESS - 2017年7月5日
Sent: 5/15/17 3 photos Received: 6/13/17 3 photos signed 6609 Virgo Drive Shreveport, LA 71119 Boston Celtics legend <img src=

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Robert Parish (Boston Celtics) Success - 2017年6月13日
On 4/28/2017, I sent a LOR, SASE, and basketball card to Robert Parish at : Robert Parish 6609 Virgo Drive Shreveport, LA 71119 On 6/13/2017, I received my basketball card back autographed. http://surfmypictures.com/image/0777486 ... mcakd.html

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Frank Ramsey (Boston Celtics great) Success!!! - 2017年5月23日
Sent: 5/15/2017 2 photos Received: 5/22/2017 2 photos back signed including my custom photo!!! Great success from a Boston great! So pumped <img src= Address: P.O. Box 67 Dixon KY 42409

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Bob Cousy (Boston Celtics great) SUCCESSS!! - 2017年5月23日
Sent: 5/15/17 3 photos Received: 5/22/17 2 photos back signed including my custom photo AND one signed for my brother Thank you Mr. Cousy!! <img src= Address used: 427 Salisbury St, Worcester MA 01609

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Robert Parish Success (NBA, Boston Celtics) - 2017年3月11日
Celtics Big 3 Member "THE CHIEF" Robert Parish Success - About 2 weeks and my card came back signed. AWESOME! Robert Parish 6609 Virgo Dr Shreveport, LA 71119-5015

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Kevin Miller Nhl Success
Hi Everyone!
Nancy Kovack- Sweet Success!!
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Tommy Chong Actor Success
Eric Brewer Nhl Success (Prince George Cougars)
Kevin Bacon
Sallie Harmsen Fast Success!
Sid Bream Baseball $$$



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