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Brent Spinerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

Brent Spiner Success - 2018年10月21日
On August 3, 2018, I sent an 8x10, SASE, and fan letter to Brent Spiner at Brent Spiner Stagecoach Entertainment 1990 S. Bundy Drive Suite 645 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Yesterday, October 20, 2018, I received my photo back personalized and signed. I was super excited.

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Brent Spiner - RTS - 2017年2月16日
On 12th of December of 2016, I sent a bunch of pictures to Brent Spiner, from Spain, in order to get them back signed. Today, more than two months later, the postie brought this to me; it seems I've hadn't got them signed, I must've done something wrong but what was it? :C I used this address: NSBN, LLC 9454 Wilshire Blvd. 4th Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2907 Estados Unidos

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Brent Spiner SUCCESS 6/29 2016 - 2016年6月29日
Send a med-large print to NSBN, LLC (Accountant) 9454 Wilshire Blvd. 4th Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2907 USA and received the autographed version promptly!! I am stoked! Send around 6/15 and received 6/29 in the year 2016.

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Brent Spiner Success - 2015年8月24日
Received my Star Trek TNG CCG Card back signed by Mr. Brent Spiner, Data himself. He is very good to his fans, and was very happy to receive this today 8/24/15. Brent Jay Spiner born February 2, 1949 is an American actor, comedian, and singer best known for his portrayal of the android Lieutenant Commander Data in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and four subsequent films. His portrayal of Data in Star Trek: First Contact and of Dr. Brackish Okun in Independence Day, both in 1996, earned him a Saturn Award and Saturn Award nomination respectively. He has also enjoyed a career in the theatre and as a musician.

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Brent Spiner success - 2015年8月22日
Sent letter two pics and SASE about two months ago both returned 8-22-15. Address used: NSBN, LLC 9454 Wilshire Blvd 4th floor Beverly hills, CA 90212-2907

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