Brian Littrellの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):
Brian Littrell from the BackStreet Boys - Bought Success - 2013年1月29日 Brian Littrell from the BackStreet Boys âWelcome Homeâ Autographed CD
Bought success. I think they still have some for sale, and they said that a limited number of copies are available. So if you want one I would go buy it now
CD $20 plus $7.85 of shipping. I spent a total of $27.85
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Brian Littrell (Backstreet Boys) success! - 2011年11月27日 This is, by far, my favorite autograph I have received! I have been a huge Backstreet Boys fan for about 13 years now, so this just made me incredibly happy!
Sent: LOR & SASE on November 15, 2011.
Received: Signed and personalized photo in my SASE on November 26, 2011.
He personalized the photo to me, and signed his name with "God Bless" after it. Also, in the bottom corner he wrote "Shhh, dont tell!" and drew a smiley face.
I am assuming this means that the address I used is not really for fanmail or requests, so to respect his privacy I am not going to share it. (Sorry! Please do not PM me asking for it.)
On the back, he wrote, "Thanks for the letter! Have a wonderful holiday. All the best." And he drew a little stick person on the front of my envelope!
Photo (front):
Photo (back):
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