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Bridgit Mendlerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Bridgit Mendler - 2013年12月1日
Hi Yesterday, I received this authentic autograph of Bridgit on a great picture! I sent an email to her 3 weeks ago. I'm willing to trade the email for a working private address. http://instagram.com/p/hWx64Jkpd3/ Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Bridgit Mendler...failure - 2013年9月28日
Sent a letter, 2 photos, and a SASE to: Bridgit Mendler Red Light Management 8439 Sunset Blvd 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA Sent: June 25/13 Received my 2 photos back , Sept.17/13....autopenned

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Amazing Bridgit Mendler Success!! - 2013年6月30日
Sent: 3-26-13 lor to the set of good luck charlie Received: today 6-29-13 from the Hollywood Records address She sent me a letter personalized and hand written by her! - The autograph + envelope: (the mail man or someone bend the envelope so it bend the autograph <img src= ) - close up of autograph which is authentic: - Address: - Im really happy with this success!!

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Bridgit Mendler Success! - 2013年6月18日
In February, I sent Bridgit a LOR (nothing else) to the Disney Channel address. Today, I recieved a beautiful authentic autograph from her! She also gave me a sweet letter!!!!! This success was AMAZING! I love it!!!! Thanks so much Bridgit!!!!!! Autograph and Letter: http://amberkateautographs.webs.com - Sorry no envelope <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src= <img src=

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Bridgit Mendler - 2012年2月8日
I sent a letter to the address in the database a few months back and recieved this yesterday, i think it is a pp or stamp because it doesnt look 100% authentic envelope: photo:

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