Brigitte Bardotの直筆サイン入り写真 (13 / 27ページ):
Brigitte Bardot Success - 2015年4月10日 I sent a letter almost a year ago and never received a response. So I decided to give it another go.
I sent her a letter, SAE, 4 photos and a donation to her animal foundation on January 26, 2015. Got her reply in the mail today.
Brigitte Bardot
La Madrague
83990 Saint-Tropez
I hate to say it, and I know I'm being totally selfish, I'm happy I got anything, but I'm kind of disappointed. She didn't reply to my letter (although most won't take the time to write a letter back to you, so that's okay), and of the 4 photos I sent to her, she sent back 3 and only one was signed and it wasn't personalized. It makes me wonder if maybe I said something in my letter to offend her or something, because I see from other people's Bardot successes that she really goes all out for her fans when answering her fanmail.
Just makes me wonder if I did something wrong
I am really glad to have gotten her autograph, though. But still, a little disappointed that she didn't do for me what she's apparently done for the rest of her fans.
Oh well, I love her just the same
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Brigitte Bardot Success! - 2015年3月19日 SENT: 18 FEBRUARY, 2015
I sent two photos to Brigitte and today received both photos back signed!!! Thank you, Brigitte!
Address Used:
Brigitte Bardot
La Madrague
83990 Saint-Tropez
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Brigitte Bardot success!!! - 2015年2月3日 4.01.2015-23-01.2015
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Brigitte Bardot Success!! - 2015年2月2日 Sent: December 15, 2014
Received: February 02, 2015
Address used:
Brigitte Bardot
La Madrague
83990 Saint-Tropez
On december 2014 I sent a fan letter to Brigitte and a photo of me and my cat (because she loves animals). And today I received my photo with a beautiful inscription and a card with a long note for me telling me about Mizzy and wishing me the best for 2015!!! I cant believe it!!!
Yes, I sent Brigitte letters before, only four times! Im not a stalker and Brigitte always reply to me!! And if you think its weird sent photos of myself to her, youre not a fan, because people did it for years (if your read her autobiography you will know)
Please, dont make rude comments. Love!
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Brigitte Bardot success - 2015年1月7日 Sent: 16 December 2014. I sent 3 photos, a letter, a SAE and 2Â (I cant buy international reply coupons here).
Recieved: 7 January 2015. I recieved 3 photos personalizaced and some stickers from her fundation.
Im new collecting autos and this is my first success, Im very happy with it! Brigitte is very lovely with her fans! <3
Address used:
Brigitte Bardot
La Madrague
83990 Saint-Tropez
France | |
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