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Brooke Vincentの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Brooke Vincent success ( Coronation Street) - 2013年3月30日
I sent a letter and SAE to Brooke as well as 9 others in one envelope on: 14th January 2013, and on Saturday I recieved this signed photo back from her. <img src= address I used was: Coronation Street, Granada Television Studios, Quay Street, Manchester M60 9EA Here is the pic: -

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Brooke Vincent success - 2012年11月27日
took about 1 month, got 1 signed photo address used: Coronation Street Granada TV Quay Street Manchester M60 9EA UK photo:

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Brooke Vincent (Coronation Street) Personalised Success - 2012年11月12日
Sent LOR, SASE and 1 Photo (21st November 2011) Received my photo back Personalised in my SASE (12th November 2012) Sent the request c/o Granada Studios Took 357 days! Photo: http://pautographs.webs.com/apps/photos ... =169297445 Envelope: -

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Brooke Vincent (Coronation Street) personalised success x2! - 2012年11月11日
Sent a letter, a self addressed and stamped envelope and a blank piece of photo paper to Brooke Vincent using the following address: Brooke Vincent Coronation Street Granada TV Quay Street Manchester M60 9EA UK And 2 days ago I got the paper back signed and a cast card signed, both personalised to me. I cant remember how long ago it was I sent the letter but it has been a loooooong wait! But I am so happy as she is an amazing actress! Here is the picture: - Thanks for looking

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