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Bruce Forsythの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Sir Bruce Forsyth SUCCESS!! - 2014年6月11日
Delighted today to receive the autograph of the legend of British Television that is Sir Bruce Forsyth. I sent Brucie a photo, LOR and SASE on 10th January and so 5 months and a day later and I received my photo back signed with the letter (strangely!) and a compliments slip. The address I used was: Bruce Forsyth IMWP Artist Management 3 The Raven 140 Westbridge Road London SW11 3PF Photo here: Compliments slip here: Envelope here:

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Sir Bruce Forsyth Success - 2014年5月12日
On 25 September 2013 I sent a photo, stamped-addressed envelope and letter of request to the address in the database and on 24 April 2014 I received my pic back from Bruce signed in my sase with a compliments slip with an apology for delays. Thanks Brucie and fanmail. Bruce Forsyth IMWP Artist Management 3 The Raven 140 Westbridge Road London, SW11 3PF UK Photo -

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Bruce Forsyth success, plus Bruce success and Tess Daly fail - 2013年8月9日
I sent a photo, letter and SAE to Bruce as well as 4 others in one envelope on: 8th November 2012, also sent a photo addressed to both Bruce and Tess Daly on the same day, and on Wednesday I recieved my photo back signed by Bruce, and the joint photo back in the same SAE, signed and personalized just by Bruce, still happy though, and he sent my other SAE back unused. <img src= address I used was: Strictly Come Dancing, Artists Mail, BBC Television Centre, Wood Lane, London W12 7RJ ADDRESS NO LONGER VALID!! Here are the pics:

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Bruce Forsyth Success! - 2013年4月17日
I wrote to this address - Bruce Forsyth IMWP Artist Management 3 The Raven 140 Westbridge Road London, SW11 3PF UK I sent him a card to sign for my Dads birthday & it came back within 3 weeks! He wrote a very charming personal message inside. What a nice man!!

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Sir Bruce Forsyth success! - 2011年11月22日
Sent: 12th September 2011 Recd: 16th November 2011 I sent a LOR & SAE to: Fanmail Strictly Come Dancing BBC Television Centre Wood Lane London W12 7RJ and received a really nice personalised signed photo (see link below). Im really happy with this success as I was beginning to think I wouldnt get a reply! http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z40 ... C14642.jpg

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