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Bryan Ferryの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Bryan Ferry signed Olympia book..... - 2012年8月26日
Well its not much of writing to Bryan Ferry but on Facebook there was a contest by EMI Records Belgium and you could win the Olympia luxe edition with 2 cds + dvd + the book signed and i did win !! big authograph on a whole page with 2012 added to it i think he signed it when he was in Belgium for a concert in beginning august ! im very happy with it <img src= - -

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Bryan Ferry (Roxy Music) success - 2011年9月9日
Hi, in 12 june 2011 I send LOR,SASE and a CD-cover of Dylanesque to Mr.Bryan Ferry, who is a great singer and he is the lead voice of Roxy Music. And to day 2011-09-09 I got my Cd-cover back signed <img src= <img src= he is one of my favourite artists so I´m very pleased <img src= photo: http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/6655/img0531dj.jpg I used this adress: Bryan Ferry Dene Jesmond Enterprises Production Ltd. 5 New Cavendish Street London W1M 7RD UK sorry no envelope

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