Bryan Murrayの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):
Bryan Murray RTS - 2012年9月1日 I sent a letter asking some questions and SAE to Bryan on: 31st July 2012, and today I recieved this RTS back from him, with an alternative address on the envelope, looks like his home address, so I might try this one.
address I used was:
Bryan Murray,
c/o Michelle Braidman Associates Ltd,
2, Futura House,
169, Grange Road,
Here is the pic: - |
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Bryan Murray success - 2012年7月30日 i sent a letter and SAE to Bryan on: 8th June 2012, and today I recieved this signed and personalized signed photo back from him, he stuck Ireland Stamps over my UK ones too. Very happy with this success.
address I used was:
Bryan Murray,
c/o Michelle Braidman Associates Ltd,
2, Futura House,
169, Grange Street,
Here are the pics: -
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