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Buck Medleyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Buck Medley (Lone Star Legend) Success!! - 2013年12月12日
About three weeks ago, I sent a message to Buck Medley, star of Animal Planets "Lone Star Legend," and asked if I could have an autograph if I mailed him a photo. Buck wrote me back and gave me his assistants email, telling me that she would make it happen. After conversing with her (were now friends) she asked for my home address. She mailed me the attached photo, which is a limited print, that was signed and personalized by Buck. Buck and his assistant were awesome. Real down to earth. Anyone interested in an autograph, should just "like" his Facebook page and send him a personal message. He will respond. Might take a bit, but he said he personally responds to everyone. His Facebook link is: https://www.facebook.com/BuckMedley?ref=br_tf Request: November 2013 Received: December 11, 2013 -

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