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Bucky Dentの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Bucky Dent (Retired MLB New York Yankees) Success!!! - 2014年4月12日
Sent Mr. Dent a photo, SASE and LOR to the address in the database on Mar. 22nd, 2014. On Apr. 7th, 2014 I recieved my photo back signed. As a huge Yankees fan who would love to visit Fenway park and sit on the monster where Buckys homerun landed, in a Bucky Dent Jersey, I am super excited about this success!! <img src= - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Bucky Dent Success - 2014年4月5日
In March 2014, I sent a letter, stamps, return envelope and a 1978 Topps Yankees card to Mr. Dent at his Boytnon Beach address. On April 5th, i received my return envelope stamped from West Palm Beach Fl with the card signed. Signature looks like the other I have found on the internet. I am very happy! Envelope: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Card: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Bucky Dent - Former MLB player - success - 2013年6月10日
Sent a lor, sase, and ROMLB to Bucky Dent to see if he would sign it for my Yankees collection. I received my ball back signed Sent: 5/18/13 Received: 6/10/13 Used the address in the database Thanks Mr. Dent! -

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Bucky Dent partial success... - 2011年9月26日
I wrote to Mr. Dent about a week and a half ago asking him to sign an 8x10, 88 Topps card and permission to send my Yankee World Series MVP ball. He signed my 8x10, but no sign of the Topps card or the question card. And to think I passed on a $17 signed Dent ball on eBay. Oh well. Last night I bought a signed Dave Parker ball for $15.50. Anyway, heres the scan: - Bucky Dent 8895 Indian River Run Boynton Beach, FL 33472-2445

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Bucky Dent Success - 2011年9月1日
Thank you chadallen985 for the tip to get an autograph from the Redsox Killer Bucky Dent. I sent him a ROMLB on 8/23/11 and received it today on 9/1/11. I sent it to the address in the database as you can see in the picture. -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Nba Darnell Mee Fail / Rts
Roman Polanski Success
Norm Ullman (Hockey Hof) Success!
Pat Dapuzzo Nhl Ref Success
Danny Trejo
Roger Clark Rts
Eric Soderholm Baseball
Carter Capps Baseball (Seattle Redhawks)
Ryan Bradley (1998 Yankees) Success!
Jeromy Burnitz Mlb Success



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