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Candice Accolaの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Candice Accola - VV Success - 2015年3月16日
Happy about this success. Sent: 01.14.2015 Recd: 03.16.2015 Candice Accola "The Vampire Diaries - Season 6" Bonanza Productions, Inc. 2364 Park Central Boulevard Suite 10 Decatur, GA 30035-3914 USA Sent 2 photos, LOR, SAE and IRC. She signed my 2 photos, both personalized. <img src= Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Candice Accola - 2015年3月16日
VV: The Vampire Diaries Candice Accola "The Vampire Diaries - Season 6" Bonanza Productions, Inc. 2364 Park Central Boulevard Suite 10 Decatur, GA 30035-3914 USA SENT: 2/14/15 RCVD: 3/13/15 PHOTOS:

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Candice Accola - TVD - SUCCESS!!!! - 2013年8月22日
Sent Candice a LOR, 3 photos, and SASE about Aug 5. Received all 3 photos signed and personalized Aug 22. Fast Success. Will scan as soon as scanner is working. Used address in database for The Vampire Diaries set. Candice Accola "The Vampire Diaries - Season 5" Bonanza Productions, Inc. 2364 Park Central Boulevard Decatur, GA 30035-3914 USA

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Candice Accola Success - 2013年7月23日
Sent: 4/25/2013 Received: 7/20/2013 Address Used: Candice Accola “The Vampire Diaries” Bonanza Productions, Inc. 2364 Park Central Boulevard Decatur, GA 30035-3914 -

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Candice Accola (The Vampire Diaries) Success - 2013年1月23日
Sent: 03.Nov 2012 Received: 15. Jan 2013 Address i used: Candice Accola The Vampire Diaries Bonanza Productions, Inc. 2364 Park Central Boulevard Decatur, GA 30035-3914 USA sorry no envelope Picture -

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