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Carl Erskineの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 8ページ):

Carl Erskine (Brooklyn Dodger pitcher) - success - 2017年10月14日
Sent LOR, SASE, blue sharpie, donation & 8x10 on 9-26-17. Received my 8x10 signed with many extras on 10-14-17. Carl Erskine 4031 Fallbrook Ln Anderson, IN 46011-1609 USA Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Carl Erskine - Former Brooklyn Dodger - Success - 2015年9月13日
Sent him a 1957 Topps on 9/4/2015. Rec'd it back today signed w/ requested inscription. Mailed to: 4031 Fallbrook La. Anderson, IN 46011-1609

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Carl Erskine - 1948 LIFE Magazine - Success - 2015年1月27日
Found an old LIFE Magazine from 1948 with Spring Training players on the cover. This was Erskines rookie season so decided to get him to sign it. Sent 12/17/14 and recd back 1/15/15 w/ requested inscriptions. Mailed to: 4031 Fallbrook La. Anderson, IN 46011 -

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Carl Erskine SUCCESS! - 2014年9月9日
Sent letter SASE and photo on August 2nd received signed today! Address used: Mr. Carl Erskine 4031 Fallbrook Ln Anderson, IN 46011-1609 -

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Carl Erskine - 2014年6月13日
Sent a SASE to Mr. Erskine in March. I received the index card back today signed. Also received an ad for his book. Nice guy. Used the address in the database.

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Megan Hilty (Success)
Lenny Moore (Nfl Success)
Colleen Marie (Success)
Andre Thornton Baseball
Joe Mcclain Baseball
Actor Mark Rolston, Success
Matt Cain (Mlb) Rts
Julie Pinson Rts
Lori Singer Success
December Successes



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