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Carl Muscarelloの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Carl Muscarello - 2012年7月15日
[color=#4080BFSent 6/27/12 - 7/14/12 LOR and got an autograph and newpaper articles back Carl Muscarello 720 NW 71st Avenue Plantation, FL 33317 USA[/color

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Carl Muscarello "The Kissing Sailor" - 2012年7月1日
I sent a LOR and SASE along with an 8x10 to Carl Muscarello the famous kissing sailor in time square. I am sailor myself so I was very happy to get this back myself. he signed my photo and sent his own as well as some articles about him. Im really happy about this. Carl Muscarello 720 NW 71st Avenue Plantation, FL 33317 USA -

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Carl Muscarello (WW2 icon) SUCCESS - 2012年3月3日
I was real pleased to get this one back yesterday. Carl claims to be the sailor who was pictured kissing the nurse in times square on V-J day in 1945. I'm a big history geek so this was pretty cool getting back. I sent him a longer then usual LOR, SASE, and 5x7 picture. He returned my picture signed and personalized, and also included his own 8x10 pic, a nice note, and a copy of a newspaper article about the kiss. Sent: 2/18/12 Received: 3/2/12 Sorry, my scanner kinda makes darker pics look bad. His 8x10: My 5x7: I'm not including a picture of his note, as it is sort of personal. Sorry, no envelope. Used address in database!

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Carl Muscarello (V-J Day In Times Square Sailor) Success! - 2012年2月14日
Date Sent- 2/6/12 Date Received- 2/13/12 Address Used- 720 NW 71st Avenue Plantation, FL 33317 Got a very nice success from Mr. Carl Muscarello today! Mr. Muscarello claims that he is the kissing sailor in the iconic "V-J Day In Times Square" photo. I love history so Im really happy with this success! I sent him a photo of the photo (Photoception <img src= ) and he signed it and he also sent me a larger version of the photo signed (Which he made out "To Ryan, My Friend), and an article on the iconic kiss. Just a really cool success. Thanks so much Mr. Muscarello! - -

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Carl Muscarello (THE KISSING SAILOR) - 2011年6月27日
Carl Muscarello 720 NW 71st Avenue Plantation, FL 33317 USA Sent: 6/18/2011 Returned: 6/27/2011 SIgned 2/3 Photos:

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