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Carl Reinerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 7ページ):

Carl Reiner Success - 2020年6月20日
Mailed photo with LOR and SASE on 5/30/20 to 'Carl Reiner, Clear Productions, Inc. 10474 Santa Monica Blvd. #405 Los Angeles, CA 90025-6932 USA' and received it back, signed & personalized, on 6/19/20. http://surfmypictures.com/image/4a04fe6cc244b00e/1phrj.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/4a04fe6cc244b00e/0f1cy.html

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Carl Reiner Success - 2019年10月5日
Mailed LOR, SASE, and 8x10 photo to Mr. Reiner at the database address on 9/3/19; received my photo back signed and personalized on 9/20/19. Interestingly, Mr. Reiner's was one of the last photographs I had printed almost three years ago with the intention to send off to him, only to have it get stuck in autograph limbo after getting busy and taking some time off from collecting (I had already been doing less than usual at the time). So when I decided to go full-on back into the hobby, he, of course, was one of the very first requests I sent out. A sweet result from an icon of the industry and a truly good man who treats his fans well. Thank you, Mr. Reiner! Carl Reiner Clear Productions, Inc. 10474 Santa Monica Blvd. #405 Los Angeles, CA 90025-6932 USA

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Success! Thank You Carl Reiner - 2019年8月13日
I sent a fan letter and photo to Mr. Carl Reiner on 07/23/19 to: Carl Reiner Clear Productions, Inc. 10474 Santa Monica Blvd. #405 Los Angeles, CA 90025-6932 I received my personalized and signed photograph on 08/12/19. I'm trying to upload a photo, but not sure if it worked! http://surfmypictures.com/image/1f0b3fe9269f018e/dioub.html

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Carl Reiner RTS - 2019年1月25日
I wrote to Mr. Reiner on 12/22/2018 and received my envelope back on 01/24/2019 Carl Reiner Clear Productions, Inc. 9171 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90210 http://surfmypictures.com/image/e20f7ef5d7e1a4c2/nqpys.html Now it is time to try the address in the database.

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Carl Reiner Actor Director Writer - 2018年12月12日
Carl Reiner (born March 20, 1922) is an American comedian, actor, director, and writer whose career spans seven decades. During the early years of television comedy from 1950 to 1957, he co-wrote and acted on Caesar's Hour and Your Show of Shows, starring Sid Caesar. In the 1960s, Reiner was best known as the creator, producer, writer, and actor on The Dick Van Dyke Show. He also had great success as a film director and writer and partnered with Steve Martin in the 1970s when Reiner co-wrote and/or directed some of Martin's most successful films, including the 1979 film The Jerk. Reiner formed a comedy duo with Mel Brooks in "2000 Year Old Man" and acted in films such as The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming (1966) and the Ocean's film series (2001–2007). Reiner has won nine Emmy Awards[5 and one Grammy Award during his career. He is the father of actor and director Rob Reiner, author Annie Reiner, and grandfather to Tracy Reiner. Sent him 2 photos on 27 Nov and got them back signed on 12 Dec. [youtubeXOTKDgrdvdg[/youtube [youtubeKmnB3T00ZuU[/youtube [youtubewGEOjxtQtWc[/youtube Used a different address but this was on the return envelope Mr Carl Reiner Clear Productions, Inc. 10474 Santa Monica Blvd. #405 Los Angeles, CA 90025-6932

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