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Carlos Coyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Carlos Coy SPM Awesome Success Personalized - 2013年1月18日
Sent out on December 4th , 2012 Recieved on January-18-2013 MY buddy knows him personally because of a record they worked on together or some stuff like that so i asked my bud about his addy and if he can or will write me back and he said he loves mail but hardly writes just anyone back so i wrote him a letter and put my buddy in there and bam he wrote back a letter ( kinda ) and personalized it and signed it and everything i love it he is a great rapper and i also think he is falsly accussed of his charges So here is the pictures.. Address on envelope if you want to write him he loves mail.. - -

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South park mexican a.k.a carlos coy autograph - 2012年11月7日
- heres the pic Its crazy that I got a autograph from spm I wrote to him and replyed back I sent the letter on 10 09 2012 and get his letter on 10 20 2012 hell yeah happy about this one FREE SPM DOPE HOUSE FOREVER ROROS ARIZONA 602

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