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Carole Ann Fordの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Carole Ann Ford-- Doctor Who--- success - 2014年1月18日
What did I send? I sent a Letter, SASE and 2 cards for her to sign. What address did I send to? I sent it to the Emko Productions address What date did I send it? I sent it on the 11th January 2014. When did I receive it? Today (18th Jan 2014) What Did I receive back? The 2 signed cards in my SASE Photo - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Carole Ann Ford - 2013年8月1日
I wrote to Carole at the address on the website: Carole Ann Ford Emko Productions 59 Grove Avenue London N10 2AL UK It was posted on the 27th July 2013, and I received the autograph today on the 1st August 2013. It only took five days, including the weekend. She included a short personal message with the autograph too.

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Carole Ann Ford Success - 2013年6月14日
Posted a letter and index card to : Emko Productions, 59 Grove Avenue address. Sent 20th May. Received back a personalised autograph for my brother (and greeting ) around the 1st June. Very happy with this!

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Carole Ann Ford - SUCCESS! - 2013年4月24日
I sent Carole a LOR, SASE and 1 photo. Today I received the photo back signed, but not personalized. This for me, is an amazing success!! The address I used for Carole was: Carole Ann Ford Emko Productions 59 Grove Avenue London N10 2AL Date Sent: 17th April 2013 Date Received: 24th April 2013 Photo: - Envelope: - I purchased a book of first class stamps (includes 6 stamps). They were Doctor Who theme (50th Anniversary Stamps) and I had 11th Doctor, 1st Doctor and 4 TARDISs. So I thought it was appropriate to place the 1st Doctor Who stamp on my return envelope <img src=

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