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Carole Kingの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 3ページ):

Carole King SUCCESS - 2019年5月4日
I sent a LOR, SASE and a picture to Carole King on 11/19/2018 and got my picture back signed and personalized on 05/04/2019. http://surfmypictures.com/image/b5575b58ccdd404e/hc7ot.html Used address: Carole King Good Noize Entertainment, Inc. 11684 Ventura Blvd. Suite 273 Studio City, CA 91604 USA

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Singer/Songwriter Carole King - SUCCESS! - 2018年9月15日
[size=150:Two hits in two days! The newest addition to my autographed deck of playing cards is Singer/Songwriter and one of the greatest female composers of the 20th Century, Carole King! Sent LOR, SASE, and playing card on August 6 to: Carole King Good Noize Entertainment, Inc. 11684 Ventura Blvd. Suite 273 Studio City, CA 91604 Received the signed card back on September 14 (39 days). Couldn't be happier![/size: Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Carole King Singer Songwriter - 2017年3月20日
Carole King (born Carol Joan Klein, February 9, 1942) is an American composer and singer-songwriter. She is the most successful female songwriter of the latter half of the 20th century, having written or co-written 118 pop hits on the Billboard Hot 100 between 1955 and 1999. King also wrote 61 hits that charted in the UK, making her the most successful female songwriter on the UK singles charts between 1952 and 2005. King has made 25 solo albums, the most successful being Tapestry, which held the record for most weeks at No. 1 by a female artist for more than 20 years. Her most recent non-compilation album was Live at the Troubadour in 2010, a collaboration with James Taylor that reached number 4 on the charts in its first week and has sold over 600,000 copies. Her records sales were estimated at more than 75 million copies worldwide. She has won four Grammy Awards and was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for her songwriting. Sent her 2 photos on 10 Jan and got both back signed on 20 Mar. Ms Carole King c/o Carole King Productions 11684 Ventura Blvd #273 Studio City, CA 91604

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