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Catherine Deneuveの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 10ページ):

Catherine Deneuve SUCCESS - 2014年2月14日
Catherine Deneuve Artmédia 20, Avenue Rapp 75007 Paris, France Sent: 13 Jan 2014 Received: 14 Feb 2014 1m 1d My own pic signed. Amazing success, I think!!!!! More than happy!) Thank you, Cher Madamme!!! - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Catherine Deneuve succes - 2013年6月18日
Hello, i send 3 Photos to the Adress in Database on 05.06.2013 and received it 15.06.2013 She is so beautiful - Catherine Deneuve Artmédia 20, Avenue Rapp 75007 Paris France Greetings from Germany

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Catherine Deneuve succes - 2013年5月29日
Hello send 18.05.2013 with 3 photos received 27.05.2013 all photos back Address Database Catherine Deneuve Artmedia 20, Avenue Rapp 75007 Paris France - Greetings from Germany

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Catherine Deneuve Success - 2013年2月14日
Sent around mid-January a letter, a SAE, a photo and two posters to the address in the database. Received today Feb, 14th, 2013 my photo, "Belle de jour" and "Mississippi Mermaid" posters all signed. Thanks M.me Deneuve and Fanmail! Photo - "Belle de jour" poster - "Mississippi Mermaid" Italian poster - Envelope -

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Catherine Deneuve Success - 2012年10月18日
[size=150:Sent (Letter+2pictures+Stamped Envelope): 15 September 2012 Received (2 Pictures signed) : 18 October 2012 33 Days![/size: Catherine Deneuve Artmédia 20, Avenue Rapp 75007 Paris France Pictures / Envelope / [size=150:Comments about authenticity are welcome <img src= [/size:

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