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Celticの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 7ページ):

Tom Heinsohn, Celtic Legend, Failure - 2011年12月12日
Sent Mr. Heinsohn a letter, Sports Illustrated, silver Sharpie, $25 and SASE on 11/17/11, addressed to: Box 422, Newton Upper Falls, MA 02464. SASE returned 12/12/11, with everything as I sent it, placed in my SASE. Kinda funny, I can't give this $25 dollar check away, same check Bob Cousy returned asking for $75 more. Guess I'll make the 11 on the check into a 12, and sent it out this month to another toughie. The 7 forever stamps were cancelled on my SASE too. Kind of a bummer.

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Bob Cousy, Celtic Legend, Failure - 2011年11月16日
Sent Mr. Cousy a letter, Sports Illustrated, Sharpie, $25, SASE on 11/5/11, addressed to: 427 Salisbury St., Worcester, MA 01609. SASE returned 11/12/11, with SI unsigned along with price list, $100 for flats. My $25 dollars was also returned.

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Robert Parish former Celtics SUCCESS!!! - 2011年6月25日
<img src= Just received!!! Robert Parish auto Sent 6/13: A SASE and photo, used address in database. Recevd 6/22: photo signed!!!! Would like to send it to Jabbar... 9 day turnaround -

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