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Challen Catesの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Challen Cates Success - 2013年2月18日
Sent Late Jan 2013 Received 18 February 2013 Return Address: Mavrick Artists Agency, Inc. 6100 Wilshire Blvd Ste 550 Los Angeles, CA 90048 USA Picture + Envelope [personalized -

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Big Time Rush star Challen Cates success - 2013年2月9日
Sent a LOR to big time rush star Challen cates back in September of 2012 and today 6 months later, I got a personlized photo signed by challen herself. Been on a dry spell for two months, but shocked to see something back from her. Sorry no scans available at this time for he picture and envelope. Sent a LOR back in september 2012 Got back today February 9 2012 Wait time, exactly 6 months Used the address in the data base 2013 success so far: Challen Cates, Amber Lancaster, Francois Chau, Aaron Eckhart, Erin Cahill (3x) Wrestlers success Ttm : Ron Simmons (8x) Jerry The King Lawler, Hulk Hogan, Dixie Carter (tna wrestling president). Joey Styles, Teddy Long, Honky Tonk Man, Tonga Fifita (meng, haku) Molly Holly, Ricky The Dragon Steamboat, Justin Roberts Favorite all time Ttm success: Leann Rimes, phyllis diller ( r.i.p) People I got back. Note and thank you card: martin sheen, Ron Simmons, Ainsley Bailey, Erin Cahill

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Challen Cates Success!(: - 2012年12月15日
back in March i emailed Challen Cates right before the Kids Choice Awards!(: im a huge fan of hers from Big Time Rush!(: ahhhhhh i just love that show!!(: and in September i received this lovely success from her which was shocking and also a surprise to get(: the return address on the envelope was: Challen Cates Mavrick Artists Agency, Inc. 6100 Wilshire Blvd Ste 550 Los Angeles, CA 90048 USA not sure if the address still works or not but never hurt to try using it!(: she awesome and super funny on the show! <img src= -

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