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Charisma Carpenterの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Charisma Carpenter reçu - 2021年8月12日
Http://surfmypictures.com/image/a1eabd1ae66d8ee8/oyxiv.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/56cebe7068a50557/clpw1.html Charisma Carpenter Lien vers une de ces vidéos : [youtubexEiqW9h-YA8[/youtube Demander le 15/03/2021 Reçu le 12/08/2021 Obtenu par e-mail : charismacarpenter at studiofanmail.com

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Charisma Carpenter - 2021年3月2日
Hello, I sent an email to CharismaCarpenter at studiofanmail.com on January 30 with my name and home address. As you can see on the envelope, it was shipped on February 4, 2021 and I received it on Feb 24. It was delivered to Argentina, South America.

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Charisma Carpenter Via Email Studiofanmail (PP) - 2019年6月12日
Charisma Carpenter Via Email Studiofanmail (pp) charismacarpenter at studiofanmail.com Received 5x7 PP instead of the usual 8x10 http://surfmypictures.com/image/e19bc2f0e4ad25db/vdvj4.html

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Charisma Carpenter SFM Success! - 2007年7月9日
Sent: email to charismacarpenter at studiofanmail.com on 6/17 Rec'd: Nice pp on 7/9 Return address: Studio Fan Mail 1122 S. Robertson Bl Los Angeles, CA 90035 Sorry, no scans

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