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Charles Picの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 4ページ):

Charles Pic Success - 2014年12月28日
On 27 October, 2014 I emailed Charles Pic through his Web site at: On 11 December, 2014 I received a very nice color picture signed in silver sharpie. Card: Envelope:

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Charles Pic - Success - 2014年9月22日
On Aug. 26, 2014 I emailed Mr. Charles Pic through his Web site at: On Sept. 18, 2014 I received a very nice color picture signed in silver sharpie.

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Charles Pic Success Personalized! - 2014年8月24日
Sent a email using contact form on the website http://www.charlespic.com/ Of Charles Pic. Recieved a Personalized autograph of Charles Yesterday. Link

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Charles Pic (driver F1) SUCCESS - 2014年8月9日
Hi, I got an autograph from a driver F1, Charles Pic <img src= He drives the team Lotus F1 Team I sent him e-mail I got one signed card of Charles Pic with dedication I waited one month __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: { Email Address } __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here Picture: http://sportowe-souvenirs.blogspot.com/ ... s-pic.html __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to my blog: http://sportowe-souvenirs.blogspot.com/ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Charles Pic success - 2014年6月24日
Sent: about the beginning of May 2014 LOR, SAE Rec:2 driver card Used E-mail adress on his Homepage Pictures on my Website

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