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Charlie Plumbの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Captain Charles Plumb U S N .. Pilot and P O W Vietnam (Charlie Plumb) - 2024年3月6日
Joseph Charles "Charlie" Plumb Jr. (born November 3, 1942) is an American former navy fighter pilot, Vietnam prisoner of war, author, and motivational speaker who is known for his experience as a POW. Plumb completed 74 successful combat missions and was shot down during his 75th mission on Ho Chi Minh's birthday, May 19, 1967. He was subsequently held as a prisoner of war by the North Vietnamese for five years and nine months. Plumb returned home as a repatriated POW in February 1973 and retired as a navy captain in 1991. Shortly thereafter, Plumb became a motivational speaker sharing his experience and story as a former POW. He titled his story "the triumph of an ordinary man" and authored two books, "I'm No Hero" and "The Last Domino." Sent him 2 photos on 31 Jan and got them back signed on 6 Feb Captain Charles Plumb 3917 Fairbreeze Cir Westlake, VA 91361

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