Cheryl Laddの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 6ページ):
Cheryl Ladd Success! - 2013年7月29日 Autograph: Cheryl Ladd
Known For: Charlies Angels
Date Sent: June 26, 2013
-Sent: LOR, Photo, and SASE.
Date Received: July 29, 2013
-Received: My photo in my SASE.
Address Used: Address in Database.
Cheryl Ladd
PO Box 1329
Santa Ynez, CA 93460-1329
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Cheryl Ladd Success! - FINALLY! - 2013年6月7日 Cheryl Ladd (born Cheryl Jean Stoppelmuir on 12 July 1951.) is an American actress, a native of Huron, South Dakota. She is best remembered for her role as Kris Munroe, the youngest sister of Jill Munroe in the legendary ABC series Charlie's Angels.
She also starred in Las Vegas and One West Waikiki and remains active in TV movies to this day. She was born just 12 days before the birth of another hero of American TV, Lynda Carter.
After four failed attempts over four years, I finally got my reply from Cheryl Ladd. I sent 1 LOR, SASE and 2 photos to Ms. Ladd on 18/02/2013. On 04/06/2013, I finally received my reply from the great superstar, signed and dedicated.
I used the Santa Ynez address in database. Sorry no scanner. |
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Cheryl Ladd success - 2013年5月29日 On Oct 18, 2012, I sent 2 photos and an SASE to:
Cheryl Ladd
P.O. Box 1329
Santa Ynez, CA 93460
Today (May 29, 2013), I received both photos signed and dedicated! Such a sweet success from a beautiful woman!
Envelope: ... 497df0.jpg
Photos (8x10):
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Cheryl Ladd - success Charlies Angels - 2012年10月17日 Date sent : 28/02/2012
What sent : 2 8x10
adress used:
Cheryl Ladd
P.O. Box 1329
Santa Ynez,
CA 93460-1329
received : 17/10/2012
I loved her at Las Vegas and of course at Charlies Angels
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Cheryl Ladd success - 2012年10月16日 Got my custom "Chuck" card back signed.
Mailed 1/4/12...Recv.10/16/12
Mailed to .O. Box 1329
Santa Ynez, CA 93460-1329
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