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Chevy Chaseの直筆サイン入り写真 (8 / 9ページ):

Chevy Chase SUCCESS - 2013年4月15日
Hi. I got a Chevy Chase success today, but everyone has agreed that the autographs Mr. Chase sent out today (and presumably in the past) are auto pen. My signatures look slightly different from yours, so I cannot say for sure if yours are auto pen as well, but it seems that he does not sign ttm anymore. Feel free to take a look at my post to compare signatures.

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Chevy Chase sorta success... - 2013年4月15日
Hi, I sent Chevy Chase a LOR, SASE, & 4 pictures to the address in the database on 1/05/2013: Chevy Chase P.O. Box 257 Bedford, NY 10506 (First photo) - (Second photo) - (First & second photo combined) - (Third & forth photo). - Today (4/15/2013), I received my 4 photos signed in my sase. However, I suspect they are auto-penned. If you look closely at the signatures, each signature looks similar to the others. Plus, the signatures look shaky which implies the use of an auto-pen. Feel free to give your opinion. Thanks! -gghi18

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Chevy Chase TTM Success!!! - 2013年4月15日
Hey guys! I just got this back today. I sent it out on 3/7/13 using the address in the database. I sent a LOR, a Caddyshack VHS cover, and a SASE. I got back my envelope, my VHS cover signed, and an 8x10 signed in addition! Im so happy with this success. Chevy Chase is one of my favorite comedians and SNL members. Envelope: - Autograph: - Up Close autograph: - Second Autograph: -

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Chevy Chase Success!! - 2012年12月28日
Very cool success from Chevy Chase today. Think it took about 3 weeks or so. Signed two pics and a dvd cover, but sadly didnt personalize though. Ah well, still a very cool success! Used the Bedford, NY address in the database. Chevy Chase P.O. Box 257 Bedford, NY 10506 USA - -

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Chevy Chase success - 2012年10月30日
wrote to him at the po box in the database & is on the envelope...sent 9/13/12 rcvd 10/30/12...sent letter, sase & pic....also my letter was sent back to me with a note from his wife (also posted) - pic - note from his wife - envelope

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