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Chicago Blackhawksの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 8ページ):

Brent Seabrook (Chicago Blackhawks) SUCCESS - 2012年5月8日
Another great return from the Hawks. About 4 months ago I sent Brent a LOR, SASE, and hockey card to the Blackhawks team address in the database. Today I got my card back in my SASE, signed in blue sharpie! Sent: 1/3/12 Received: 5/8/12 Pic: Sorry, no envelope.

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Jonathon Toews (Chicago Blackhawks) SUCCESS! - 2012年5月2日
Im very excited to get this one back! I sent out 7 requests to Hawk players back in january, and this is the first one I've heard back from (I'm hoping to get back a few more, now that their season unfortunatly came to an end last week). Anyways I sent a LOR, SASE, and hockey card to the Blackhawks address in the database. Today, the card was returned back to me signed. Took 4 months. Sent: 1/3/12 Received: 5/2/12 Pic: Sorry, no envelope.

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Bobby Hull success (Chicago Blackhawks) - 2012年1月23日
On 12/5/11 sent a letter a 2011 O-PeeChee card and an sase to NHL Hall of Famer Bobby Hull C/O the Blackhawks address and today got my card singend plus he signed the index card and inscribed HOF 1983 2 for 1 cant complain. Hopefully will have pics soon

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Bobby Hull (Chicago Blackhawks legend, HOF) SUCCESS! - 2012年1月21日
I'm really excited to get this one back, as I am a big Hawks fan and thats where my user name on this site came from lol. Bobby Hull was one of the greatest all time hockey players, and he's now in the hockey hall of fame. This took a little under a month, so a pretty quick turn around. I sent a LOR, SASE, and hockey card. I received my card back signed in my SASE. I sent it C/O Bobby Hull to the Chicago Blackhawks address in the database. Sent: 12/28/11 Received: 1/21/12 Pic: Sorry, no envelope.

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bobby hull- success!!!! (Chicago Blackhawks) - 2011年10月1日
wrote to bobby 3 months ago and got my 2 index cards 9/30/11 signed!!! address: blackhawks, united center 1901 w. madison st., chi, ill.,60612!! what an awesome hockey great!!! - -

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