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Chone Figginsの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Chone Figgins (Seattle Mariners) Succes - 2012年3月15日
On 3-7-12, I sent a LOR, SASE, and baseball card to Chone Figgins at : Chone Figgins C/O Seattle Mariners Spring Training Camp Peoria Sports Complex 16101 North 83rd Avenue Peoria, AZ 85382 On 3-14-12, I received my baseball card back autographed.

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chone figgins quick success - 2011年9月17日
sent aug 22? recieved sept 2 sent sase, lor, and card to address in database -

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Chone Figgins success (Seattle mariners) - 2011年9月13日
Sent a baseball card to mariners 3rd baseman chone Figgins on 9/1/11. I received mycard signed today in my sase. Sorry no scanner Sent 9/1/11 Received 9/13/11 Sent c/o Seattle mariners

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Chone Figgins (Seattle Mariners) quick success - 2011年7月5日
Hi! I sent a letter of request, 2 4x6 photos and SASE to Mariners third baseman Chone Figgins using this address: c/o Seattle Mariners Safeco Field P.O. Box 4100 Seattle, WA 98104 Sent: 6/27/11 Received: 7/5/11 I received both of the photos back signed today. Thanks Chone! Sorry, no scanner

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Chone Figgins (Seattle Mariners) Success! - 2011年6月19日
Sent a LOR, SASE, a 2007 Fleer Ultra baseball card and a 2010 topps baseball card to Seattle Mariners 3rd baseman Chone Figgins on June 7th, 2011. On June 18th, 2011 I received both cards signed by this former all-star and American League stolen base leader. Very happy with this success. I had wrote in my letter that he could keep one of the cards for his personal collection if he'd like. I wrote to him at the Seattle Mariners address. I apologize for having photos, I don't have a scanner. -BWS

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