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Chris Renaudの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Chris Renaud Success! (Despicable Me, The Lorax) 🎨🍌 - 2024年3月30日
[youtubeCaBDYSgmxKo[/youtube Chris Renaud, the creative mind behind the "Despicable Me" franchise, surprised me with sketches and autographs! Chris Renaud Illumination Mac Guff 6 Rue De La Cavalerie 75015 Paris France

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Chris Renaud success - 2018年5月12日
Sent: 3.2.18 Received: 5.1.18 Address: Chris Renaud Illumination Entertainment 2230 Broadway Santa Monica, CA 90404-2914 Signed both my pictures and included a small minion sketch on each one. Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Chris Renaud success - 2018年3月7日
9/26/2017 to 11/28/2017 Sent a LOR with SASE 3 for 3 items signed. and added some amazing sketches Chris Renaud Illumination Entertainment 2230 Broadway Santa Monica CA 90404-2914 Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Chris Renaud success - 2017年6月28日
Hi theman2312 Thank you for your feedback Would you have a scan of the envelope you received please? If so, you are in the run for the $10 gift certificate. [youtube69gG7S2vhXw[/youtube Chris Renaud Illumination Entertainment 2230 Broadway Santa Monica, CA 90404-2914 USA on Fanmail.biz Fanmail 8)

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