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Chris Rockの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Chris Rock address success copy autograph fail - 2015年6月26日
Sent letter pic and SASE on 9-12-14 using address in data base. Got nice 8x10 copy pp whatever you want to call it but like studio fan mail picture, kinda disappointed but still nice picture and better than nothing, it came back 6-26-15. Address in database used. Not wasting time uploading fails but as always you can see all my successes on Twitter at cavewv

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Chris Rock - Cool Success - 2015年2月4日
Hi I wrote to this address.... Chris Rock PO Box 57593 Sherman Oaks , CA 91403 USA I sent him a DVD Cover he returned it unsigned He did send a Black and White 5x7 pre printed photo that says Luv God.... I don't have a scanner ... Sorry

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Chris Rock SUCCESS - 2014年9月11日
Sent request on 7/3/14 to: Chris Rock, PO Box 57593, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403. Received autographed photo on 9/11/14!! Sorry, no scanner.

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Chris Rock Sucess - 2013年1月2日
I mailed a SASE and 2 blank 3x5 cards to Chris Rock at PO Box 57593 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 and received a PP photo.

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Nhl Bill Ranford Success (Los Angeles Kings)
Nba Casey Jacobsen Success



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