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Chuck Bednarikの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Chuck Bednarik (Football HOF) Success - 2014年5月31日
On 5/5/14 I sent Chuck Bednarik a 1960 Topps card and $5 donation. On 5/22/14 I received my card back signed. It looks like he started to use a silver pen but then switched blue one. Oh well, still a great success. Sent to: Mr. Chuck Bednarik Address Removed - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Chuck Bednarik Success! - 2013年2月25日
On February 16 I sent a letter, photo, and SASE to Hall of Famer Chuck Bednarik, and today (2/25) I received it back signed and inscribed "HOF 67" as requested! Address used: Mr. Chuck Bednarik Address Removed Psyched about this success! More NFL HOFers coming in. -

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Chuck Bednarik failure (RTS) - 2012年12月8日
On 11/15/12, I send a letter, photo and SASE to Chuck Bednarik. On 12/5/12 the envelope came back RTS. I used the addy in the database. Disappointed with this one, but I think he has been having some health issues. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/80 ... chuck.jpg/

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Chuck Bednarik - 2011年11月26日
On 11-17-11 I sent a 8x10 to Chuck Bednarik. On 11-25-11 I recieved it back written on the picture was Chuck Bednarik HOf 67, This f game is over, and sorry Frank. Used the addy in the database.

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Chuck Bednarik Success - 2011年9月11日
On September 1st, I sent a LOR, 8x10 photo and SASE to NFL Hall of Famer Chuck Bednarik. I received my photo signed on September 10th and he even included a couple of extras on the photo... Very cool.. I sent the request to the address in the database and I do not scan envelopes.. -

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