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Ciaran Hindsの直筆サイン入り写真 (6 / 6ページ):

Ciaran Hinds (Harry Potter) Success! x3 - 2012年2月17日
On the 5th of January I sent Ciaran 1 photo, 2 index cards, a LOR and SASE and today I received all my items back signed. He plays Aberforth Dumbledore in Harry Potter and is another great one for the HP collection! Address Used: Ciaran Hinds Dalzell and Beresford Ltd. 26 Astwood Mews London SW7 4DE UK photo - index card - index card 2 - envelope -

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ciaran hinds - 2011年12月28日
hey guys today in the mail i got my photo back from ciaran hinds from the harry potter movies. i sent the photo to ciaran hinds dazell and bersford ltd 26 astwood mews london sw7 4de uk sent letter on 12-10-11 got it back on 12-27-11

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Ciaran Hinds success - 2011年12月5日
Hi!!! Today i recived a response from Mr.Hinds Address used in database Sent: 4 photos, letter, SASE in July,2011 Rcvd: December 5, 2011 all photos signed - - - - Envelope -

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Ciaran Hinds (Harry Potter, Rome) success - 2011年8月20日
Got my custom card and a plain 3x5 card back signed. Mailed 4/27/11...Recv.8/20/11 Mailed to alzell And Beresford Limited 26 Astwood Mews London SW7 4DE United Kingdom -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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