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Clifton Jamesの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Clifton James - 2x James Bond movies - great success - 2011年10月23日
send: 1st sept 2011 received: 21st oct 2011 via: 500 West 43rd Street Suite 26J New York, NY 10036 USA - - - - at admin: thank s for the address! <img src= sorry no envelope

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Clifton James (2x in Bond-movies) rts - 2011年8月25日
send to actor Clifton James (Sheriff J.W. Pepper from J.Bond - Live and let die / The man with the golden gun) but get a rts within one week. i used this address: 95 Buttonwood Drive Dix Hills, NY 11746 USA envelope came back with the notice "moved" could someone help me with his new address? really want his autograph cause he is now 90 years old and one of my favourite characters from James Bond.

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Clifton James success - 2011年5月2日
Mailed to Clifton James (sheriff in the Bond films) April 11, 2011 at 500 West 43rd St. Apt 26J / New York, NY 10036. Included B/W 8x10 photo & SASE. Rcv'd May 2, 2011 in my SASE (SASE was returned with out postmark- had post office UPC tape over return address my signed photo. Question where did all the feedback go? I had several thousand posts in the feedback section which no longer seem to exist. I quite often used that information and assume that overs did as well. Is there some explanation?

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