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Colin Bakerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Colin Baker success! - 2017年2月22日
Hey everyone! Towards the end of January, I ordered a signed print of Colin Baker from http://www.tenthplanetevents.co.uk Last night I received a slip from the post office for a large envelope, and today I received a great quality photo of the 6th Doctor, signed by Colin <img src= Thank God for Tenth Planet, because I'd been trying to get Colin for years! It came with a COA, as well. Photo can be found here:

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Colin Baker Success! - 2015年2月13日
Colin Baker (TTM) Address: Colin Baker Burnett Crowther, Ltd. 3 Clifford Street London W1S 2LF UK Wait: 2 weeks Sent: 23.01.15 Received: 09.02.15

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Colin Baker (former Doctor Who) Success - 2015年2月9日
Sent:28.11.2014 Received:9.2.2015 i sent 2 pictures and a letter with my SASE & IRC...... received 2 signed pictures in my SASE Adress used: Colin Baker Burnett Crowther, Ltd. 3 Clifford Street London W1S 2LF UK

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Colin Baker sucsess! Doctor Who - 2014年11月25日
Was really happy to receive this back! Really quick response! Sent 10/11/14 received 25/11/14. Sent to: Colin Baker Burnett Crowther, Ltd. 3 Clifford Street London W1S 2LF UK Sent three items, received 3 items back signed ad personalized!! For some reason I can't upload the pictures?? Maybe my phone is dodgy!!???

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Colin Baker - 2014年6月17日
Send date: 14.5.14 Received date: 17.6.14 Items sent: 3 Photos, 3 Pieces of paper Items received: 2 photos, 2 Pieces of paper Address: The one in the database...

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